
Our main objective is acupuncture training for the treatment of pain. To achieve this aim, in addition to teaching basic acupuncture principles and practices we also demonstrate the treatment of pathologies (Orientation and Therapeutic Principles) which respond well to acupuncture. Thus, we offer people an efficient therapeutic resource which supplements and, in many cases, lessens the need for drugs.

Our organization, Acupuncture for the World, endeavours to:

  • Carry out acts of solidarity by sharing medical acupuncture knowledge.
  • Conserve the culture and dignity of those who host us.
  • Affirm our intention of “non-interference”.

Training Projects

Thanks to those missions already carried out by A.S.F.i., Acupuncture for the World

has established a training programme adapted to the health care practices in the area where the training mission takes place.

Acupuncture for the World, basing its actions in accordance with these norms, is responsible for conveying the basic acupuncture theory and practices necessary to understand the programme.

  • Yin/Yang
  • The 5 Elements
  • Jing/Luo
  • Zang/Fu
  • Etiopathogeneses. Study of the perverse energy
  • 8 Diagnostic rules
  • Diagnostic orientation
  • Therapeutic techniques
  • Therapeutic principles
  • Therapeutic Microsystems
  • Treatment of the 20 most common illnesses of the region for which acupuncture can be successfully used.

Reference texts:

Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture. Foreign Languages Press, Beijing. (2nd Edition 2005).

Work Methods:

  • Every mission consists of 6 cycles of one full week of classes (40-42 hours of class time per week).
  • These cycles make up a total of 240 training hours (140 hrs. of theory and 100 hrs. of practice) over a period of approximately two years.
  • Upon successful completion of progress exams and confirmation of adequate attendance, participants receive a course certificate at the end of the studies cycle. The validation of said certificate will be the responsibility of the local organisation receiving the training, in accordance with the host country administration and local legislation. Upon successful completion of progress exams and confirmation of adequate attendance, participants receive a course certificate at the end of the studies cycle. The validation of said certificate will be the responsibility of the local organisation receiving the training, in accordance with the host country administration and local legislation.

In each expedition, Acupuncture for the World commits to:

  • Sending a minimum of two Acupuncture for the World instructors on the mission.
  • Supplying teaching material (notes) and work materials (needles, moxa, electrical stimulators) for the work rooms in the health care centres selected for the course.
  • Acupuncture teaching classes given daily at previously arranged times. Practice classes begin after the first 60 hours of theory instruction.
  • Preparing aptitude tests to assess student progress.
  • The study of pathologies of the area which can be treated with acupuncture and teaching their most appropriate treatments.
  • Taking out health insurance on all AWB collaborators for coverage in the event of illness.

The host country of the mission is responsible for:

  • Assuring the attendance of 15 to 25 students from the health care field (physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, etc.) interested in acupuncture training.
  • Making available a school or health care centre where the theory classes can take place.
  • Contacting a hospital or health care centre for the carrying out of practice sessions.
  • Coordinating and scheduling the patients who will be treated during the practice sessions.
  • Arranging for the instructors’ transfer from the airport to the hotel upon arrival and departure as well as their daily transfer to and from the hotel to the instruction centre.
  • Hotel accommodations and board for the two instructors during the training course.

All these conditions may be adapted according to the area or country receiving the training.

Therapy Projects

Acupuncture for the World belongs to the Citizen Agreement for the Inclusive Barcelona Network.

This agreement is a declaration of relations and commitment promoted by the City Council of Barcelona in favour of joint action for local social inclusion. It brings together a large variety of institutions and organizations within the city, socially committed to working in specific areas of interest.

To this end, Acupuncture for the World offers acupuncture treatment to people at risk of social exclusion together with another association that deals with those with severe economic hardships.

As a result of these contacts, in the next few months Acupuncture for the World will start a pilot project with the Santa Lluïsa de Marillac Social Work Organization of Barcelona addressed to the homeless who turn up at the day care centre with health problems, additions and so on or who are convalescing from an illness accident or surgery.


Entrevista a Isabel Giralt sobre la nostra feina a l' associació



Entrevista a "Para todos la 2"

La feina d’Acupuntura per al món
que fa amb el 4t Món de Barcelona
i a l´Índia, comença a tenir
ressonància mediàtica.

Veure entrevista a "Para todos La 2"


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8è Concert, maig 2019