Dra. Rebeca Cadenas Martin:

- Born in Barcelona in 1979

 - Graduate in Medicine from the University of Barcelona (2004)

- Specialist in Family and Community Medicine , Costa de Ponent Teaching Unit at University Hospital of Bellvitge (2009 )

 - Medical Unit Physician with the Emergency Medical System (2009 -)

- Official Master’s in Critically Ill Initial Care and Emergencies from the University of Barcelona (2011)

 - Master’s in Acupuncture , IL3 University of Barcelona  ( 2017-2020)

- Currently registered in the Complementary Treatments Section of the Medical Society of Barcelona


Entrevista a Isabel Giralt sobre la nostra feina a l' associació



Entrevista a "Para todos la 2"

La feina d’Acupuntura per al món
que fa amb el 4t Món de Barcelona
i a l´Índia, comença a tenir
ressonància mediàtica.

Veure entrevista a "Para todos La 2"


La Caixa

ES52 2100 3054 6322 0051 4476


8è Concert, maig 2019